Rick writes snipped:
--- many have left because they got sick of the bickering, even if
they didn't participate in it. You and the rest of the AMT crowd have
been valuable contributors, and I would hate to lose you, but as I
recall,FFL was a much more harmonious place before you all arrived. 

Tom T:
Eggzactly. Anything and everything expressed her is nothing but an
opinion, a POV. As Bryon Katie has so aptly pointed out there is no
way any of us can ever know exactly the truth of any statement. The
exasperation is in the continual insistence that any one person can
know or have the divine insight to know what is true and what is a
lie. Just give it up kids it is just another addiction or attachment
if you like that word better. State your experience or understanding
and let others have the liberty to do the same. We all are sick to
death of it. If you insist then take it back to AMT where no one gives
a sh*t what you say or do. Tom

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