--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Judy,
> I've read extensively about the concept, "spacefaring aliens."
> Books and books about it.

I must not have made myself clear. I was
asking how diligently you had informed
yourself about the realities of *crop
circles*, not about the concept of
"spacefaring aliens."

If you *had* informed yourself about the
realities of crop circles, you'd know that
while many, if not most, are manmade hoaxes,
there is a significant number that simply
can't be dismissed that way.

You would also know that there are serious
crop circle researchers who do not assume
the circles that are not manmade were made
by "spacefaring aliens." They don't pretend
to know how they're made.

If you aren't interested enough in what's
behind crop circles to inform yourself about
what *is* known about them, fine, no problem.
But in that case, you really don't have much
basis for having an opinion as to what they
are, do you?

> If you want something mysterious, look at the latest research
> on how plants actually and directly interact with "existence"
> at the quantum level when they use sunshine to make into food.
>  The quantum level!!!!Amazing stuff!  http://tinyurl.com/2bfc2k
> And, anyone here can at least understand most of the concepts
> regarding this very real phenomenon. There's a thrill for ya.
> Why waste time on "other stuff?"  If this one single aspect of 
> plant chemistry is understood, maybe world wide hunger can be 
> easily brushed aside.

Just FYI, there's a great deal of hard
scientific evidence concerning the highly
unusual chemistry and other biological
features found in the plants in crop circles.
It's not inconceivable that studying these
anomalies could give us some new insights
into the mysteries of normal plants that
science is currently struggling with.

> But, nope.  Better to put millions of human minds on
> cropcircles than on, say, actual education.

Actually there probably aren't more than
a hundred or so minds studying crop circles

> What next?  Flat earth?  Moon landing never happened?  911
> was planned by George Bush?

Ironically enough, it's exactly this kind of
mindset that so casually dismisses crop
circles: one that is less concerned with
facts than with confirming preconceptions.

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