Hi Nina,
You know Spencer best, and I know you will make the right decision for him.
That being said, if Spencer was my cat, I'd take him to the vet.  He'll only be poked and prodded for a few minutes.  I don't think one vet visit will make all his remaining time on earth miserable.   Then again, my vet is so gentle most of the time they don't know what is happening and don't mind it so much.  I wish I could give shots without pain!
There are lots and lots of tests I don't particularly want to have as I get older, so I have to make myself.
On 10/9/06, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Guys,
I can't make up my mind about Spencer.  He's been on the dex shots since
9/7.  I started to half his dose eod on Sat.  It doesn't seemed to have
had any negative effect.  If it wasn't for the fact that he's all but
stopped eating, I would think he was on his way to recovery.  He's so
emaciated now.  He continues to enjoy life, he does things that are not
at all in line with someone that is dying.  He has decided that the roof
of our outside habitat is the perfect place to get away from it all and
somehow he scales the 8 foot fence to climb up there.  The first day he
did it I helped him down, figuring he wouldn't be able to do it
himself.  I was wrong.  I haven't seen him do it, but he gets up and
down on his own.  He's active during the night and his eyes are bright.
He's not hiding, he's not sleeping excessively, when he sees me approach
he meows hello to me, if only he would eat!  I've tried assit feeding
him.  He stresses out and won't swallow.  He acts like he's interested
in food, sometimes he'll take a couple of bites, then he makes a face
like the food is his enemy, like it makes his stomach hurt to eat.  It
doesn't seem like he's not eating because he's preparing to die, it's
like it hurts to eat, so he won't eat.

Bruce thinks I should leave him alone, that I shouldn't bring him back
to the vet.  He thinks that I'll only be making the time he has left
miserable to do so.  I just don't know what to do.  When I ask Spencer
about going to the vet to see if they can help, I swear I hear him say
NO!  No more vets!  I don't know if this is wishful thinking on my part,
but I keep wanting to save him.  We never had a diffinative
diagnosis...  I hate the idea of him slowly starving to death.  I hate
the idea of pts before he's ready.  I hate the idea of bringing him to
the vet and putting him through the poking and proding.  I just don't
know what to do.

Thanks for listening,

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