Hi Kelley,
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I wish I felt as certain that I am making the right decisions for him. I just left a not so clear message on my vet's voice mail asking for her advice. I'm leaning towards taking him in. He's going to starve to death if I don't and then I'll always wonder if there was something else that could have been done to help him through this. I think I'll call my vet's office back and see when the soonest appointment opening is, I can always cancel it if I change my mind. Bless it, I feel as schitzoid as our little Matilda!

Kelley Saveika wrote:

Hi Nina,
You know Spencer best, and I know you will make the right decision for him. That being said, if Spencer was my cat, I'd take him to the vet. He'll only be poked and prodded for a few minutes. I don't think one vet visit will make all his remaining time on earth miserable. Then again, my vet is so gentle most of the time they don't know what is happening and don't mind it so much. I wish I could give shots without pain! There are lots and lots of tests I don't particularly want to have as I get older, so I have to make myself.

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