I have heard some real horror stories, but of course there are 2 sides to
every story.  I have caught local AC in some lies though.

AC went and seized a large number of cats from a lady (she did have a large
number, there is no denying that).   Animal Control claimed that they were
unaltered and all in between 3-7 years old.  So I said..hrmmm..if she has 40
(or however many it was) unaltered cats..she would have lots of KITTENS.  AC
didn't even claim there were any kittens, though.  The lady's statement was
that she had records on all of them, including s/n and all their
immunizations in a spreadsheet, but they didn't care to look.  She said they
looked at one large male kitty laying in the floor and sarcastically said
"So when is she due?"

All the cats were killed about 30 minutes after this lady's hearing - she
didn't get any back.  AC claimed they were "sick and suffering" because some
had URI and calici virus.

So stuff like that is very scary.

On 12/27/06, Leslie Lawther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

*What a diabolical liberty!!  My... that just gets my blood boiling... We
have quite a few cats ourselves, luckily in our county there are no limits
imposed (yet).  HOWEVER, I take issue with this... because there is NO law
about how many children people can have!!  We have a ton of room... we wear
our hands raw keeping the house clean... spend every penny keeping everyone
healthy... and how dare anyone "decide we have 'too many'"!!  Sorry... I'll
get off my soap box.  I just think if the quality of life for the animals is
good... if the animals are happy and healthy... then there is no problem!!
It is the hoarders who cannot care properly for the animals that have the
problem.... unfortunately we all get lumped into the 'hoarder' category. *
*Leslie =^..^=  *

 On 12/27/06, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I have 6 personal cats and 19 or so foster cats at any one time.
> Fortunately we don't have any pet limit laws here, although if someone
> decided you have "too many" they will seize them.
> On 12/27/06, Rosenfeldt, Diane <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >  My house is set up as a duplex, though my housemate Gail and I don't
> > use it as such.  If we want to pretend it IS a duplex, we could have 2 cats
> > apiece according to local law, but only 3, I think, if we call it a single
> > household.  Makes no sense.  We've had up to 6 cats at a time, and Gail's
> > mom used to keep telling her we're breaking the law.  And we're like, yeah,
> > and if someone comes to arrest us, we'll know who narked...  we don't even
> > discuss our cats around her any more.  She's not meanspirited, just a bit
> > clueless.  When Gail moved out of the parental home, she took the family
> > cat, Kitty, with her.  Kitty wasn't a snuggler, and Gail's mom had tried to
> > make her one, and no fun was had by all.  I'm sure Kitty was relieved to be
> > among people who understood that cats aren't dogs.  Now that the mom has
> > moved into assisted living, she's determined to get another cat.  She's
> > unsteady on her feet, has a bad back and has ZERO energy, so it has to be
> > one that doesn't move very fast, and it'll need to be a complete and total
> > lap fungus....except when the mom doesn't want it to be.  Oh boy.
> >
> > Diane R.
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> > *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Kelley Saveika
> > *Sent:* Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:35 AM
> > *To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > *Subject: *Re: How do yall do it?
> >
> >
> >
> >  When I told my mother how many cats I have, she FREAKED OUT and
> > started worrying about me going to jail for having too many cats. Apparently
> > there was a raid near her and the woman went to jail.  I've never heard of
> > anyone going to jail around here for hoarding.  They usually just take the
> > cats and kill them.
> >
> > I guess moms need something to worry about.
> >
> >  --
> > > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> > >
> > > http://www.rescuties.org
> > >
> > > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> > >
> > > http://astore.amazon.com/rescuties-20
> > >
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> >
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> http://www.rescuties.org
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> http://astore.amazon.com/rescuties-20

Leslie     =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


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