As I understand it, with wet FIP unless fluid is continually drained it will 
begin to accumulate in the abdominal cavity and begin to squeeze out the lungs 
so that breathing becomes harder and harder -- and the cat essentially 
suffocates.   I think that is why all wet FIP kitties are euthanized.  I may be 
wrong but I think that is how my vet described it.
  Keeping you and Lucy in my prayers.  She has such a lot of spirit.

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  i know a lot of FIP cats, with the wet form, that have been allowed to
die naturally at home, so i guess i'm missing the point here....

On 1/30/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> None of the websites say... even Dr. Addie's says all FIP cats are
> euthanized. I suppose it will get to a point where she will be suffering so
> bad you'll have to euthanise her? It appears that is the case with every
> other FIP+ cat in existence. Surely there have been research cats that they
> have just let die to KNOW what the end result of FIP is... but I can't find
> any reference. I mean, how do they KNOW it's 100% fatal, as all the websites
> state, if ALL the cats that have it are euthanised? That's a REALLY good
> question Michelle!
> Hideyo, can you contact Dr. Addie and that other Japanese vet (who's name I
> forget now - Ishida maybe?) and ask them? I don't see any contact info on
> Dr. Addie's website, but I know you've spoken to her. Ask, if the cat is NOT
> euthanised, WHAT is the cause of death, and what could we expect to see
> happen in the end stages?
> Phaewryn
> Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
> Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
> Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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