Yes, I will send you another vial if you need me to, you just let me
know, Michelle -

In addition to Mr. Ishida's studies, I also read about one case study of
Pancho (?) who had FIP and FIV - and he was in a very bad shape, and he
recovered completely for about 1.5 year with interferon and due to the
financial issue, they were giving human interferon and Pancho must have
developed antibody when he developed FIP again 1.5 year later.. and due
to financial reason, they couldn't treat him anymore-


Most of his cases were FIP cats.. due to fluid, some had a difficult
time breathing.. sounded like in a pretty bad shape,, but none of them
were that anemic when they were brought in ---let me find the study and
will email you off line.. I just forwarded an email from sally to you so
that you can read what happened to her babies..



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: Lucy update


Hideyo, I am not going to do anything to her right now. I hardly ever
euthanize at all, much less while someone is eating. Most of my animals
have died at home on their own.  I just do not want her to suffer too
much in the end, which is why I asked the vet.  I think my cat Buddy
went through too much at the end.


Hope is getting slimmer, and I don't want to put her through
transfusions. I know they are not a big deal in themselves, but we would
have to do them at an ER very far away, and she gets so very stressed
out, and the process takes a good 4-5 hours between typing, thawing the
blood, doing the transfusion, and making sure there is no reaction.  Add
in the driving and we are talking about 6-7hours. She has enough trouble
going to the vet that is 10 minutes away. While she was ok for the
draining, she was screaming at the top of her lungs before he started.
I thought she was at transfusion level on Saturday and her pcv was 15. I
think she is worse now, but maybe, like on Saturday, I am completely
wrong about that. I hope so. 


I will continue to give her the feline interferon.  Were Dr. Ishida's
patients very sick already when he started treating them?


My shipment still has not come in. I have enough from the vial you sent
me to get me through Thursday. Hopefully it will come before then. If it
doesn't come by Thursday, would you send me another vial? (her dose
would be due on Friday).  if she is still here, which I hope and pray
and believe she will be.


Thanks, Hideyo, for everything,



In a message dated 1/30/2007 5:02:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

        Michelle - I am crying as I read this email as I know how much
you want Lucy to get better and so do I ---I wish I had this power to
cure all the sick babies in the world to make a miracle happen..
Michelle - don't think about euthanizing her right now.. she is eating..
and she does not seem to be in pain.. who knows she may beat this thing
even if it's FIP - sometimes, according to dr. ishida's paper, it takes
2 to 4 weeks to fluid to be gone completely and recover from FIP.. again
the challenge is the anemia status - I think that is the biggest
challenge her - you could give her transfusions to buy time until epogen
starts working..


        Just continue to fight with her.. she is fighting with you - if
for some reason, if she does not want to anymore.. you will know.. just
love her like there is no tomorrow.. hold her and kiss her and enjoy
every minute and every second.. she is your baby,, and she will always
be your baby and no one can take that away from you...




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