Yeah lucky me with all my expensive vets out here but I will keep trying to 
look around for places that might give me a break and not give up until I can 
get what they need!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MaryChristine 
  Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: New Member

  that's just for the snap test, tho, kelley--she needs to find a place to send 
out the IFA, too. and she's in a really expensive part of the world! hee 

  your vet told you that the ones who tested positive will always be positive? 
no one can say that without having some retesting done..... while it's always 
POSSIBLE that one of your older cats has had the virus all along, it's more 
likely that one of the newcomers brought it in, and that the older cats are 
just showing positive due to EXPOSURE, and that they'll process the virus out 
of their systems. 


  On 5/7/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Hi Deb,

    For the testing - I would look for a group in your area which has an 
account with IDEXX.  They get the tests very cheaply. 

    I can't draw blood because it is a two person job.  My vet draws the blood 
for me and I supply the tests.

    On 5/7/07, Deb Stockbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 

      Hi Everyone,

      I just realized that I never introduced myself to this group and was 
referred here by Mary Christine who has been a wealth of info for me.  I've 
posted on so many lists I just can't keep things straight anymore!  Anyway , My 
name is Deb stockbridge and I have a situation where I have 5 companion kits 
and one just became ill 3 weeks ago and was found to be FELV+.  I brought in my 
other 4 of which 3 had tested negative previously when they were neutered ,and 
now two of them are positive.  None of these cats are related and I feel ,with 
what I've learned, that I had to have had more than one cat come into my home 
with FELV and the tests just weren't reliable.  I also have a female I adopted 
from a breeder who was shut down and she just had a litter of 5 kittens and I 
will be testing her this week to find out if her and her kits are FELV+....I 
pray they are safe!  My vet advised me to retest only my oldest male Bengal who 
has shown no signs of illness because he may be able to shed the virus.  I was 
told the other two that became ill and I treated will always be positive from 
this point on.  I would like to retest them all but was wondering if anyone 
knew of a low cost vet clinic or shelter/rescue that could help me learn to 
draw blood on my own for testing or would assist me in helping out at a lower 
cost than my vet is charging.  I already owe them a chunk of money for saving 
one of the cats that was very ill and all the testing.  They advised I put her 
down but I wasn't ready to do that and she is doing very well now along with 
the 6 month old I had on antibiotics as well.  This all hit me at once and I 
just don't have the resources to handle this right now.  I don't want to give 
up on my babies but if I can't find help for the retesting and testing of the 
Mom and kittens I'm not sure what I can do.  I would greatly appreciate any 
help including finding these kits homes.  



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