What do you put on their eyes?  I was told to use
neosporin and it will clear up their eyes and it has
worked wonders with my kittens...their eyes are as
clear as they should be...

--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, i have a few who have had a little diarrhea. 
> They have been
> treated with albon and it is pretty much cleared up.
> They look SOOO much better today.
> The ones upstairs in the bathroom I was doing a
> great job of
> isolating.  Then they got large enough to want to
> explore, while still
> being small enough to be able to wiggle under the
> door jamb.  That's
> how *they* got it.
> Little Muffin's eye looks bad.  I hope she'll be ok.
> On 5/8/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > susan, if this were panleuk, wouldn't it be
> presenting more with rapid
> > decline from fairly uncontrollable diarrhea? this
> sounds to me more like the
> > boomeranging basic uri from
> not-too-hardy-to-begin-with kitties.... (whom i
> > think should have been put on zithro right away,
> not that her vet asked! hee
> > hee)
> >
> > MC
> >
> >
> > On 5/8/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > I can ask if they have a history of it.
> > >
> > > They say they bleach clean cages.
> > >
> > > I will tell you what happens, though.  Litters
> get mixed up.  If a
> > > good sam brings in some found kittens, who knows
> if they were ever
> > > from the same litter to begin with.  If they are
> owner surrenders, who
> > > can say if they don't throw in several small
> litters together.
> > > We all strongly suspect that if we agree to take
> a litter, and there
> > > is a singleton around of the same age, that TLAC
> will stick the
> > > singleton in with the others.  But we have no
> proof.  And I really
> > > wouldn't blame them.
> > >
> > > My quarantine procedures are not what they
> should be or what I want
> > > them to be.  I am these kittens' only chance,
> though, even if some
> > > pass. I am the only group that takes in kittens
> less than 6 weeks/1
> > > lb.  So they call me and if I say no, they kill
> them directly.  I
> > > haven't taken any in in 2-3 weeks, though.,
> > >
> > > The history of the momcat is that she was dumped
> at the shelter by her
> > > family.  They said "She's pregnant, we don't
> want her" and left
> > > without even giving her name.  So I have no way
> of knowing if she ever
> > > saw a vet before the shelter.
> > >
> > > I named her Faith....
> > >
> > > Before I got her she got standard workup: 
> Rabies, Distemper shot,
> > > combo test, Revolution.
> > >
> > > I haven' t vaccinated any of the kittens.  I
> took the first litter up
> > > at 6 weeks, but they did not weigh enough to be
> vaccinated.  They were
> > > sick and I got Clavamox for them.  They are now
> over 1lb, but too ill
> > > to be vaccinated.
> > >
> > > The only vomit I have seen is from Caroline, an
> adult I'm trying to
> > > syringe feed.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 5/8/07, Susan Hoffman <
> > > > Who can afford necropsies?  Does the shelter
> have a history of panleuk
> > (many
> > > > have it every year).  Do they bleach-clean
> cages, move cats from cage to
> > > > cage, put multiple cats from different places
> in the same cage?  Do they
> > > > vaccinate on intake?
> > > >
> > > > What is the vaccination history on the momcat
> who stopped nursing?
> > > >
> > > > When do you or your rescue start vaccinations?
>  I use the Heska
> > ultranasal
> > > > FVRCP vaccine that can be started as early as
> 4 weeks (tho I wait till
> > > > around 5 weeks.)
> > > >
> > > > How fast are the cats/kittens going downhill. 
> What behavior do you see
> > > > around the water bowl near the end?  What
> color is any vomit?  (Yuck, I
> > > > know.  But it's relevant.)
> > > >
> > > > Do you do a 14 day quarantine on new arrivals?
> > > >
> > > > From what you have said I would be a little
> concerned about panleuk.
> > But
> > > > you can rule it in or out without a necropsy.
> > > >
> > > > Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I have not ruled out anything. My rescue can't
> afford necropsies on
> > > > each kitten:(.
> > > >
> > > > They *all* seem much, much better after the
> switch to zithro. But it
> > > > is only the snowshoe I'm convinced died of
> URI.
> > > >
> > > > On 5/7/07, Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > > > > Have you ruled out panleukopenia?
> > > > >
> > > > > These are tiny kittens who started off on
> the wrong paw to begin with.
> > Was
> > > > > the mom who stopped nursing vaccinated
> during the pregnancy or while
> > > > > nursing?
> > > > >
> > > > > FYI: BNP ointment is far superior to
> terramycin.
> > > > >
> > > > > Kelley Saveika wrote:
> > > > > Lost one about 5 weeks old yesterday. Very
> bad eye discharge, perhaps
> > > > > the worst I've seen. Congestion too. She was
> eating, though, and i
> > > > > did not expect her to die. Last week I came
> downstairs to find one
> > > > > lying in the floor close to death. He was
> suffering so I had him PTS
> > > > > (actually I told the vet if he could do
> anything to do it, but if he
> > > > > was suffering and too far gone, to PTS).. He
> was very, very cold.
> > > > > No other symptoms I could detect. 3 have
> died of unknown causes.
> > > > > One maybe fading kitten syndrome. Weighed 4
> oz at 22 days, died at 23
> > > > > days. Mom stopped feeding, so I fed and when
> I was at work she was at
> > > > > the vet. She died at vet. One kitten dead in
> bathroom when I went
> > > > > in, no prior symptoms. One died yesterday,
> had seemed unstable so I
> > > > > was syringe feeding A/D, he was taking it
> well.
> > > > >
> > > > > All died between 3-5 weeks. The living ones
> are 4-7 weeks. Living
> > > > > ones have horrible congestion, some with
> severe eye infections, some
> > > > > not. Were on clavamox x2 weeks. Were on
> triple antiobiotic drops for
> > > > > eyes, have bumped that up to terramycin.
> > > > >
> > > > > I also have one adult who is not eating and
> is vomiting up syringed
> > > > > food within 3-5 minutes after feeding.
> > > > >
> > > > > Another adult who is not eating but taking
> syringe food well.
> > > > >
> > > > > I lose kittens to URI every year. Not
> usually this many, but I do not
> > > > > usually take in this many either. I take a
> lot of kittens who don't
> > > > > have high viability to begin with. I'm
> especially a sucker for those
> > > > > who come in to the shelter solo at 3 weeks:(
> > > > >
> > > > > On 5/7/07, Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > > > > > Lost to uri? What age, and what symptoms.
> I've dealt with some
=== message truncated ===

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