I urge you to never let this cat outside again (with the obvious implication 
that he will never go "home" again).
His previous people are totally irresponsible or terribly misinformed about cat 
His health depends on him staying inside. Even in one room, he is better off 
than in the previous conditions that resulted in his current state.
I have rescued "strays" and decided that if anyone ever approached me I could 
give them the vet bill and tell them they can have the cat back after they pay 
the vet bill. Anyone who cared this little or who knows this little about cat 
care is highly unlikely to want their kitty back with this condition. No one 
has come looking.
In one case I went to the owner's home in another city (the cat had a 
mirco-chip and lived in a different city than where I found him in bad shape ~ 
dislocated jaw and broken leg) and left the cat at my home. I did  not contact 
the man again and did not give him the cat back. I believe these cats cross our 
paths for a reason. I know some might not agree but this is the path I have 

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