I would keep this cat.  And the chances that he will catch leukemia and it 
would cause him problems before all these other things do is slim to none.  
He's much better off with you.  To be extra safe, you might want to vaccinate 
and wait a few weeks before mixing.   But in his condition, and considering 
he's been outside,  I'm sure he would already have leukemia if he were going to 
get it.
  Good luck!

Pat Kachur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          As far as the "feeling guilty" is concerned--anyone who lets their 
cat get into that condition doesn't deserve to have an animal of any type.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:31 AM
  Subject: Whitey

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For those of you without the history, Whitey came to me about six months ago 
relatively permanently.  She showed up and just sort of stayed.  When she came, 
she was boney (You could feel its ribs) and her long white fur was literally in 
huge mats all over her body. After months of feeding and brushing, I got her 
fur cleaned up and she put on a few pounds.  Last night I went  to feed her and 
found her so disoriented she couldn't even stand up, so Jeff took her to the 
vet this morning, and this is where the story picks up...

Ok, guys.  Jeff just got back from the vet with Whitey.  Here's what we 
learned.   (Pictures Attached.)
  "She" is a "He"  LOL
  He is about 10-12 years old.
  He has not been neutered. :(
  He has a severe inner-ear infection.
  He has a grade 3 heart murmur
  He has advanced/severe gingivitis.  Needs several teeth pulled.
  FeLV/FIV NEGATIVE. (Thank God for something!)
  He also has hyperthyroidism.  They found a benign tumor on his thyroid.
  We're starting with oral antibiotics to get the ear infection cleaned up.  
They drew blood for a thyroid and kidney check, as well as a fecal sample.    
Doc wants to get the ear infection cleared up before we start with thyroid 
medicine and such to make sure its not the infection causing all those other 
problems.    He also wanted to wait on vaccines until we get everything else 
cleared up.  They cleaned his ears and clipped his nails today.  He's going 
back for vaccines/teeth pulling when we get the infection cleared up.

Now here's the dilemma.  First of all, I'm starting to feel bad about "taking" 
someone else's cat.  He just wandered to the house and sorta stayed, but he 
does go "home" from time to time for a few hours, but is always at teh house at 
night and in the morning for food.  I *think* I know who he belongs to, but I'm 
not certain.  The vet says he must stay indoors (at least for now) due to the 
severe infection and his imbalance, otherwise they said he couldn't run from 
cats/dogs or cars, he's very much at risk right now, so he's going in my Sun 
Room, which I suppose will become the "kitty suite."  What do you guys  think?  
I don't think I should feel bad for taking him, for the simple fact that if 
someone is so irresponsible a pet owner that they'd let him get in that shape, 
do they really care or deserve to own an animal?  I really do think its in HIS 
best interest that he stays with me, but again, he doesn't technically "belong" 
to me, so its a dilemma.  What do you guys

Another issue I'm having is his FeLV negative status.   With two positives in 
the house, what do I do?  For now he's going to be isolated in the sunroom 
where he's safe, but if I keep him long term, should I let him back outdoors? I 
just don't know what to do.  I really don't feel good about mixing him with the 
positives and exposing him to FeLV.  My other negative had already been exposed 
before I knew.  But this is a totally different situation.  I could keep him 
isolated til he's better, then let him back out, that's one option. Another 
option is mixing :(  I really can't see leaving him in the sunroom the rest of 
his life, that just wouldn't be fair.  I'd appreciate input/opinions, guys.


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