Dear David,

Please accept my condolences on your recent loss of Sharon.  She was one
of our long-time members. (I still have a couple of her emails, dating
back to 2001).  You and your kitties are in my thoughts & prayers.

Sleep soft, dear Sharon...

Kat (Mew Jersey) 

On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, Sharon Siders wrote:

> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 22:59:59 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sharon Siders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To: felv <>
> Subject: Taking My Deceased Wife's Name Off the Felvtal List:
> &nbsp;
> Please remove my wife's name from the felvtalk e-mailing addresses.
> &nbsp;
> My wife passed away about three weeks ago.&nbsp; She really appreciated being 
> on your e-mail list, but to be quite honest with you I just get upset when I 
> receive felvtalk&nbsp;e-mails.&nbsp; I still have my two little furry feline 
> buddies that are experiencing with me the process of "grieving."&nbsp; I need 
> to spend time with them and they need to spend time with me.&nbsp; I hope you 
> understand and sometime in the future I might rejoin the group.
> &nbsp;
> Thanks in Advance,
> &nbsp;
> David L. Siders
> Husband of the late Sharon Siders
> &nbsp;

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