Just curious, can other drugs be made into creams to be used in the ear? I have 
a 24 pound foster cat with a bad URI, and he had to spend a week at the vet (at 
a cost of over $300) because I absolutely could not give him oral meds. Can 
this be done with Clavamox or Baytril?

--- On Sun, 6/22/08, Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: looking for advice re kitty prozac
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 1:58 PM
> That is also what I did with Cody, we started with the most 
> commonly used of the drugs (amytriptaline), we tried 2 or 3
> before 
> trying the prozac, they all helped but only the prozac
> stopped it 
> completely.
> > I tried amytriptaline (that's probably spelled
> wrong!) on Ruben for 
> > inappropriate urination.....I now believe that it was
> his first signs 
> > that something was wrong with him internally....
> > My daughter used the same drug (we had it compounded
> into a cream we 
> > could rub into the ear...pilling was out of the
> question) on one of 
> > her male cats...her cat became more calm, but I'm
> not sure it 
> > completely solved the problem.
> > I have heard people are having great results with the
> plug ins that 
> > release certain pheremones that are calming, but I
> haven't tried them 
> > yet myself.
> > Good luck, it's one of a cat owner's biggest
> problems!!
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
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