I am so sorry you lost William, but I was confused by your post.
Are you leaving the FelV group or looking for another FelV cat?

I have a FelV sanctuary and all my positive cats are in good health
now, but of course this could change. I would love it if they could
have a real home. If you are looking for a high needs cat I have
several. Where are you located.


On 07-01, Patricia Romagna wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I'm sorry but I will need to leave your discussions.  My cat, William
>    (as in Shakespeare) ran away last month.  I just hope that he found a
>    loving family.  When I went away for a week and a half I hired someone
>    to come to my house just in case he returned home.  I live in a
>    townhouse community so every house looks the same and he never left the
>    house before.  I will probably get another high needs cat.  I adopted
>    William knowing that he had leukemia.  Basically I want to adopt a cat
>    that no one else wants.  Wishing all of the best to the members of the
>    group.

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