The tongue depressor and the nose(!) sounds worth a try.
We don't have any idea how she injured herself.  She is a house-only cat.  One morning she just started limping.  She eats less and less food and gets weaker and weaker as the days go by.  Time to try to stop this.
p.s. Now, if she moves at all, she gets soooo out of breath.  A few steps and she has to recover for a long while.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Injured Leeloo not eating

Sorry to hear about you loss, as I am new to this group, I am glad you gave some back ground, when I had to force feed a cat a number of years ago, I would put food on a tounge depressor and put it on the roof of the mouth, that way they get it all. I also put it on the tip of the nose then it gets licked off, mind you this process takes awhile but, if you have the time it might be better on Leeloo.
Again sorry about your recent loss, I am rooting for Leeloo. By the way how did she injure herself?
Steve Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

You may remember my two kittens Leeloo and Loki and their sibs, Milo and
Abby, who my sister had; all FELV+. Milo passed and was added to the
candlelight service some time ago. May I ask that sister Abby be added
also. She passed away last week the same way Milo did. Now, our two remain
and the battle goes on.

Leeloo appears to have injured her leg. I took her to the vet and he
indicated a probable fracture at left stifle. She slowed way down and ate
very little, which the doc says is normal with an injury. Now, she is very
skinny and will hardly eat anything, is very week and hardly moves. We try
to feed her baby food and she eats a little, but not enough. I do not see
any signs of sores in the mouth or anywhere else. Just today, she peed for
the first time away from the litter box as it's too much effort to hop back
! there in her weakened state. Last night she sometimes breathed a bit hard,
but is fine today just staying in one place.

I think I'm going to force feed her starting today. Any advice? A syringe
with baby food is what I thought. Quantity? If I feel she needs more water
(pinch of nap of neck not returning quickly), do I syringe also?

Loki, the former runt, remains very strong and health with the exception of
lingering URI.


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