I am the one who wrote about the valium. I was not suggesting that I or anyone else do or should use it to euthanize at any point other than he final stages of death. I used it, and my mom used it, during the distress stage of natural death-- i.e. respiratory distress and inability to move.  It just calmed them and, I think, helped them pass-- but I think it only helped them pass because they were already in the process of passing. I do not think that a valium pill would necessarily do that otherwise.  I used one whole human pill, I am not sure of the dosage.  I can try to find out. I am not sure it matters, since I think that any whole human pill is a very large dose for a cat.  My mom used 3/4 of a pill, in subsequent doses of 1/4 pill, when our cat Arthur was passing.
Have you tried sour cream with him?

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