Thank you for the update, I am pulling for you guys ;-))

Hi all,
    Smokey is still here with us. He is eating very little and drinking. Been giving him whatever he wants. His favorite is cheese he has turned that down. I pulled his skin up and it fell back down so that told me he still has fluids in him.
(don't want to subject him to subQing)
Basically, what I'm seeing is he is doing alot of sleeping and very weak when he trys to walk which is very little. I've also noticed his eye sockets are getting hollow or that sunken in look. Has a greenish/yellow discharge coming out as well.
Someone mentioned on the list recently about giving valium to help a kitty pass to the bridge. What dosage was it and what kind will do it. I'm curious don't think I could do it....
Smokey isn't in any pain.
I wouldn't allow that, if I seen it I would have my Vet help him cross over.
I have spent most of my time with him in my computer room that has a bed too, so I can be near him if he needs me. I don't want him to be by himself. I have confined the doorway (baby gate) so the dogs can't come in and if he decides to wander off. There is plenty of food/water/litterbox plus his bed is in here. He still has the company of the other kitties. They are jumping over the barrier to come in. I decided against the open crate.
My daughter called me today to check on him as well. Her husband is the one that is in Iraq on his second tour he is part of the MediVac Team on the helicopters. She and my grandbaby are in CO.
She was 10 yrs old when we got Smokey...his nickname from her was "Dokey"
Thanks for all your kind words, thoughts, prayers, and vibes for Smokey. I just want him to go peacefully....  :(
Sorry for babbling on...

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