I too hope you have a clear sign.

Steve Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I had known about this and had some valium, or could get it quickly, I would have given it to Leeloo.  It happened so very very fast, but I had a clear indication it was time.  When her anemic labored breathing occurred non-stop, I would have done anything to lessen or stop the pain I knew was to come soon.  However, that was also the signal that she would not make the transportation to the hospital to help her along. The valium, or something similar, would have been my only option.
Terrie, I hope so hard that you have a clear sign before Smokey is in any pain. 

 -----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 8:33 AM
To: felvtalk@vlists.net
Subject: Re: Smokey is hanging on....sorry so long

I am the one who wrote about the valium. I was not suggesting that I or anyone else do or should use it to euthanize at any point other than he final stages of death. I used it, and my mom used it, during the distress stage of natural death-- i.e. respiratory distress and inability to move.  It just calmed them and, I think, helped them pass-- but I think it only helped them pass because they were already in the process of passing. I do not think that a valium pill would necessarily do that otherwise.  I used one whole human pill, I am not sure of the dosage.  I can try to find out. I am not sure it matters, since I think that any whole human pill is a very large dose for a cat.  My mom used 3/4 of a pill, in subsequent doses of 1/4 pill, when our cat Arthur was passing.
Have you tried sour cream with him?

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