 In regards to IBD my veterinarian pushes diet, diet, diet- high fiber I 
believe andnot giving any treats or meat for months on end.  I'll run this by 
her tomorrow for a more exact idea of what food she suggests.  As for the meds 
you've tried so far she uses those as well in conjecture with the food.  Have 
you had her Ultrasounded? We are going through the same thing with a young cat 
right now, she is just finishing up her trial on an hypoallergenic diet after 
Hills WD etc (in other words the high fiber diets) didn't help, nor did the 
meds.  Now the presumption is that during some point of hightened immune 
response she developed a food allergy, after the hypoallergenic diet, if it 
doesn't work, she will be put on Purina green pea & duck for yet another 6 week 
trial. We actually have a small handful of cats that eat strictly that because 
of food allergies.  I believe they had varying symptoms, some IBD some skin 
issues etc. I'll let you know more after work tomorrow, I hope t!
 his helps or atleast rules out some ideas.

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