Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
"Hank Roth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sez:

> AAR is paying for clearances. Specifically, $1 Million per year to be
> carried in LA; $1.28 Million for San Francisco. For their LMA on WLIB, New
> York, AAR pays $2.5 Million a year.

...what is your source for this? Under Cohen's mismanagement, AAR was 
contracted for the clearances in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles; the 
station manager of KTLK Los Angeles denied any such arrangement to the Los 
Angeles Times when anti-AAR parties made claims to this effect when that 
station picked up the programming last year. Plus, on the Los Angeles and 
San Francisco stations, KTLK and KQKE, Jones Radio Networks placed both 
Stephanie Miller and Ed Schultz in _live_ slots, locking out live clearances 
for two of Air America's bigger names, Jerry Springer and Randi Rhodes. And 
Jones doesn't pay _anybody_ for clearances; it's a strictly barter 
operation. Looks like you're still passing along the fascist blogosphere's 
bullshit without bothering to check it for accuracy...

> Randi gets $225 thousand salary.
> Janeane Garofolo gets $350 thousand and they ought to give it to Sam. I
> don't know what Sam or Malloy get? Does anyone here know?
> Air America's sugar daddy and CEO is Real Networks founder Rob Glazer.

...now I _know_ you're cutting-and-pasting fascist blogosphere bullshit. 
These claims were made on Bill O'Reilly's TV show last week. And guess what? 
CBS Radio buys the time for O'Reilly's clearances on WOR New York and KABC 
Los Angeles. And guess what more? Al Franken whips the shit out of 
O'Reilly's show in every market where they're aired in direct competition, 
especially in the money demographics in New York and Los Angeles. And 
O'Reilly gets much more than $2.5 Million out of either Faux News and CBS 
Radio. Of course, O'Reilly conveniently forgot to mention those facts, 
didn't he?...

...for someone talking loud about markets, your failiure to denounce Rush 
Limbaugh's $25 Million annual salary seems odd alongside your complaints 
about Franken's making 85% less than that. The fault is in the capitalist 
economic system (about which the Left is incapable of doing anything other 
than whining) and the impotence of AAR's sales department, not in Franken 
and Garofalo getting out of the company whatever the company consents to 
give them...

King Daevid MacKenzie, WLSU-FM 88.9 La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
heard occasionally at http://www.radio4all.net
"You can live in your dreams, but only if you are worthy of them." HARLAN 


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