Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Reggie wrote:

> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> TOTALLY INCORRECT, Hank.  The Suni are the more secular.of the two
> factions.   Saddam is a Sunni... not a Shia.  This shows the
> misinformation and lack of historical knowledge so many people have of
> the region.
> However, until the invasion.. both sects got along, intermarried...and
> were not extreme for the most part. This war brought out the most
> fundamentalist leaders.....who are allied with Iran's Shia rulers.  One
> reason Osama hated Saddam was because of his secular rule and the
> freedom the Iraqi government gave women.  That's FACT.
> The Shia...now in power under the new government are restoring Sharia
> law.  The Constitution under Saddam was NOT based on the Koran...and was
> the MOST secular in the region.  Please do your research...and
> understand that you are absolutely misinformed.
> Hank Roth wrote:

There are no secular voices. Except for Turkey they have all shifted right 
and more radical -- and Islam: Shiite and Sunni (and variants) are 
intractable, antisemites and intolerant of anthing but their narrow view. 
The distinction you make doesn't really exist because for a Muslim, either 
you live by the law or you are not a Muslim. They are arguing over descent 
not their religion.



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