Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Excuse me but what does that prove? Your myopia is preventing you from 
seeing what is really happening. Perhaps you were also napping when 
Islamists struck the Twin Towers? Maybe you were sleeping when the 
secularists in Gaza and the West Bank were bombing and rocket attacking 
Israel, you know the ones who support a return to more traditional Islam.
  Maybe you would like to go to the Sunni triangle and tell them that 
killing for Allah won't get them into heaven nor their 72 virgins in spite 
of what it says in the Koran or what they're Mulahs are telling them 
because you know they're not radical like the Shiites?

I think we all knew that Reggie. You are not telling us anything. Saddam 
was a tyrant and he had his methods, but that does not change anything 
nore does it mean that Sunnis are somehow less Muslim than Shiites.
Next you will be trying to tell us they don't have any mosques in the 
Sunni triangle either. Get real Reggie and don't try to be condescending.
As the rulers which were first supported by the West die, are 
assassinated, or are overthrown the shift has been to return to 
traditional Islamic practice.


On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Reggie wrote:

> No way.  Look.... I'm tired of arguing with the uninformed.  Saddam had the 
> most secular constitution in the region....  Sorry.... count me out.  You 
> folks are totally screwed up.
> For your education:
> http://www.kentucky.com/mld/kentucky/news/12385744.htm

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