Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Is that why they have a problem with honor killing in Jordan?
  ....... Yes, they are lax now but if the King is deposed or the 
government should change, it makes no difference what they are, they are 
Muslims who will shift towards radicalism. Much of that shift is because 
of U.S. involvement in the region. And having a Jewish state in the middle 
of Arabia doesn't make many of them very happy either.

Don't insult my intelligence Reggie. We may disagree but not because I 
know less than you. My view is based on my experiences and my knowledge 
base also and we have come to different conclusions.
And I believe I am right. (I know I am (grin))

All religion sucks. Evolution provided the instinct for it but it doesn't 
make it right.


On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Reggie wrote:

> How little you know.....sorry, Hank... nothing I say will be accepted.....ask 
> Muslims....do some reading.  Example    Iraqi women were NOT required to wear 
> head scarves....they had choices.  Iranian women and Saudis have NO 
> choices.... Once in the home, they do as they please....but the LAW has to be 
> followed.  Not so in secular Muslims states...such as Egypt or Jordan.  The 
> Queen of Jordan appears without a head scarf as did her predecessors. 
> Iraqi women were equal under the law.  They had equal rights to child custody 
> in divorce courts. Not so in fundamentalist countries where the father has 
> all the rights.  so much more....
> no time or patience...


     / o o \
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