I've been using Finale since version 1.0 - when it was Mac only - one
of the main reasons I went Mac. For that matter, Quicken when it was
Apple II and Mac (no PC), AOL when it was only a Mac community,
PageMaker when it was Mac or nothing.  All these great programs (okay, maybe
not AOL) that while still do write Mac versions, seem to have
forgotten their roots and now treat us like orphans.

Yes, Coda has known or should have known what was coming with OSX and
should have been preparing for it long ago.  I'm sure Logic will be
running in OSX real soon, but because of Coda I still can't make the
switch (on my main computer) because I use that daily, and can't be
constantly rebooting to different systems.

Dennis, if it's comforting to you, I feel recent versions of Finale
for Mac have become a Windoze-port stepchild.

Doug, until coda releases an OSX version, I don't think we can have
an answer to your pdf question.  At this point I would be happy with a
version that ran well (ie midi) in classic mode without needing to
reboot to OS 9.

I'm also tired of Finale's staggered release of upgrades with lack of
backwards compatability.  A client sent me a FinWin2k3 file to work
on - I'm sitting here with my thumb up my ass waiting for Coda to ship
the Mac upgrade so I can complete this job.  At this moment, Finale is
not cross platform!  I have bought every upgrade since 1.0.  I
thought I was going to skip this one and wait for an OSX version.  But since
I work on files for others, and Coda keeps changing the file format -
losing any backwards compatability - I guess I'm stuck like chuck.

FWIW, my number 2 computer (the one at home) has been running OSX
24/7 for about 3 months - no crashes - no rebooting.

Okay, I'm done venting.


On Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:56 PM, Philip Aker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 04:48  PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
>>> I hope Coda has finally decided to stop discriminating against 
>>> it's long time Macintosh user base in this regard.
>> We Windows users had to slog through *four* versions of Finale 
>> to get one that didn't act like a Mac-port stepchild.
>You're talking about something that might have been relevant 5 
>years ago but not longer has any meaning. Which is to say 
>"balderdash". I think you're not well informed about what's 
>_not_ been happening to the Macintosh version because in all 
>likelyhood you're not familiar with what's been going on under 
>the hood with the MacOS for the last five years and how these 
>changes have been manifesting themselves in other applications. 
>These things are apparent to someone like Darcy Argue (who has a 
>broad experience on Mac platforms).
>The point is that just like everyone else, Coda has known since 
>late 1996 that changes were coming and since late 1997, 
>opportunity to stage in a Carbon port. Nobody on the face of the 
>planet can tell be otherwise because I released plugins in 1998 
>which used calls only available from the CarbonAccessors.o 
>library (i.e. Carbon Jr.) and which required users to install 
>the Appearance and Navigation Manager extensions.
>That's 4 years we've been waiting for Mac-specific upgrades, not 
>a couple of months.
>FinWin 2003 is compatible with WindowsXP but FinMac 2003 will 
>not be with MacOS X. Yet MacOS X was released well before 
>copycat XP.
>That's out and out platform bigotry.
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