Peter Castine wrote:

> On around Sat, 13 Jul 2002 08:14:44 -0700, Philip Aker--suspecting
> self-contradiction on my part?--said something like:

Actually, due to the contents of a number of your posts, I been 
thinking that you don't have OS X 10.1.5 installed on a machine 
you use on a daily basis and have made the decision not to like 
it because your fave applications haven't been ported. Perhaps 
not realizing that you can achieve much of the same productivity 
with other software now available for OS X.

Frankly, I'm worried about your current attitude to OS X because 
I remarked your zest for technological exploration in days gone 
by and have befitted greatly by following items you referenced. 
A good example being the mention of XML years before the 
widespread acceptance it has today. Now I'm puzzled because I 
find a number of useful technologies that were previously 
outrageously expensive or awkwardly implemented on Macs now 
available and working very well with a stock install. Case in 
point being able to call shell scripts from AppleScript or vice 
versa and easy disk burning for data backups. I wonder why you 
don't see the benefit in this? I wonder why you wouldn't see the 
benefit of Finale being able to print to PDF directly?

I wonder what your top 10 peeves with OS X are?



>> Peter Castine wrote:

>> In one post:

>>> I can't remember whether it was Tog or one of the later Apple
>>> UI gurus who adivsed that developers responsible for porting
>>> software should spend at least half a year using the "other"
>>> platform as their main working machine. To learn the culture,
>>> to learn what people on the other side of the fence expect.

>> In another post:

>>> I'm not real enthusiastic about OS X (not like I have been
>>> about other things). But that's the way it's going to be.

>> Learn the culture...
> Of course I learn the culture. Doesn't mean I have to like it. 
> Let alone
> be enthusiastic.

> The non-identity of learning and liking should be self-evident.

> With best regards,


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