On Monday, July 15, 2002, at 01:20  AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 15.07.2002 0:59 Uhr, David W. Fenton wrote

>> I do not know the technical details there, but Coda surely 
>> does, and if they decided that they couldn't do in the fashion 
>> that you think they should have, well, it's their decision and 
>> not yours.

> Well, that is of course true, all Philip said was that it is 
> not quite comprehensible that they made a decision to wait.

Yes, I feel those responsible for such a decision should be 
paying for extra Mac programmers to speed up the port out of 
their own pockets. Corporate executive responsibility issues are 
really big right now here in North America...

Kind regards,

Philip Aker


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