>>The safest method, I think, is to enter all the notes, then add lyrics 
>>afterwards. That way you are less likely to get them scrambled, and you 
>>will also have a better idea of how the spacing will come out.<<

This is exactly what I do.  However, I did a new piece for a composer who 
then inserted about eight bars with new lyrics.  I inserted the new music 
and typed the new lyrics into the appropriate place in the Edit Lyrics 
window.  This made the new lyrics line up with the old music, so I used 
Shift Lyrics to bring the new lyrics back to the new measures.  It worked 
fairly well, but there were places where the lyrics did not all shift, and I 
had to do additional shifting later.  It ended up working out, but it would 
have made more sense to be able to disengage the lyrics from the music, add 
the new measures, type in the new lyrics, and click assign them all from 
that point on.  Or it might even have worked to have the new lyrics be 
assigned to nothing, and let the old lyrics remain where they were.  Then I 
could have just click assigned the new lyrics to the new music.

>>I don't always include lyrics in the MM spacing dialog if I think they 
>>will fit reasonably well with just a few nudges here and there. I think 
>>Finale tends to skew the rhythm too much in order to keep the lyrics from 
>>crowding. <<

I sometimes drag a word or two down to accommodate the music if it is too 
crowded.  So far I have not encountered anything that I haven't been able to 
make look purty.

>>In a tight squeeze it's perfectly OK to have syllables slightly off the 
>>center justification for some notes in order to keep the rhythm from being 
>>skewed too badly. I've found TGTools very helpful with lyrics. <<

I wish I could use TGT tools, but the computer I work on is not on the 
Internet, so I can't download them.  It also does not have an A: drive.  I 
could download the tools on my home PC, but it does not have a CD drive.  
Eventually, the system where I work will be on the Internet and I will be 
able to download the TGT tools.

Maybe I should add being able to disengage lyrics to the wish list.

Crystal Premo

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