> > * the ability to view, edit and change libraries without having to load
> > an empty document etc.
> Do you really think libraries are such a brilliant idea?

Well, I think that they're a good way to store different ideas between
documents.  Of course if they could be easily edited, and if specific
elements from them could be dragged to and from different
documents/libraries, they'd be a lot more useful.

The good thing about libraries is that I can store elements in them for use
in a couple of years time if needs be.  If such information were to be
stored only within documents, and then transferred to a new document, then I
have to remember which documents they were stored in, etc.  More hassle and
more brainwork (IMO).

> FWIW, available in Forza!
> > * being able to change the font for multiple noteheads without having to
> > each one individually via the control-click method (I suppose I could do
> > this with a staff style)
> Seems like a missing feature in "MassEdit/Change/Change Noteheads"?

Yes, that's correct.  The contextual menu leads to a dialog box that doesn't
seem accessible any other way - quite strange and bad interface design it
seems to me.

> > * the ability to have the <text> part of text expressions not display on
> > screen
> You can do this: "View/Show Postscript Preview"

Thanks for this tip - I didn't think of doing this.  Still, it would be nice
to hide them during normal operations as well.


> You can do this in Forza!

I go to the Forza home page and drool regularly, don't worry about that! :-)


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