On 27 Sep 2002 at 15:20, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

> At 12:48 PM -0400 9/27/02, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >
> >Frankly, I'm beginning to conclude that many of the regular users of
> >Finale on this list are victims of the Stockholm syndrome, because
> >they seem unable to do anything but rationalize many of Finale's
> >obvious failings.
> >
> >I'm coming at it as a long-time but sporadic Finale user who has just
> >upgraded from an older version to the latest version. Coda has fixed
> >many important aspects of the program, but they have also introduced
> >a number of new counterintuitive aspects to the program,
> Introduced new issues? Most of the ones you are complaining about are 
> old ones, we all supposed you had just run across them recently.

In regard to spacing of hidden items, the behavior is different in 
WinFin2003 than it was in WinFin97, which is the version I upgraded 

For me, that makes it a new issue.

In light of the long history of Finale (I've been using it since 
1990, WinFin2.01), that's still relatively "new," even if others 
encountered the issue a couple of years ago when staff styles were 

I truly don't think that the advancements in Finale since WinFin97 
are nearly as great as everyone on the list led me to believe they 
were, what with the constant harping on "of course you have these 
kinds of problems because you're using an old, old version," 
something I heard a lot.

Yes, I like lots of things about WinFin2003, truly. But it's still 
got just about the same number of extraordinarily annoying default 
behaviors that it always did -- they've just been moved to different 

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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