No, I never suggested that your criticisms of Finale is inconsistent 
with using and liking the program.  It is just your assertion that the 
manner in which YOU think things should work should be the default.

I even supported your suggestion that Finale allow an option to show 
measure numbers ALWAYS with the region indicated.  But you insist that 
your view should be the default view and I disagree with that.

Because of that you insist I have some mental illness.

And your assertion that all who can work with Finale with a minimum of 
frustration and a maximum of ease and who aren't afraid to say so in the 
face of criticism of the program have Stockholm Syndrome (I didn't know 
you were a licensed psychotherapist, too!) is indefensible.

You have a hard time with certain aspects of Finale.  Fine.  Raising 
objections to them, sending messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 
fine.  I have never said that I thought people shouldn't criticize Finale.

What I object to is your assertion that the Fenton way is the ONLY way 
and that anybody who disagrees is wrong.

So perhaps, since we are all playing psychoanalysts today, we should 
coin a new syndrome: Fenton Syndrome -- the syndrome of thinking that 
your way is the only way and all who don't agree are sick.

I admitted that my way of being able to deal with the measure number 
display may well not be the only way and I have been willing to admit 
that other options should be allowed.

Why are you not so flexible?

David W. Fenton wrote:
> On 27 Sep 2002 at 14:15, David H. Bailey wrote:
>>Okay, you're right, David, Finale sucks big-time.  Why are you using it 
> Thank you, David Bailey, for providing a perfect example of exactly 
> what I was suggesting.
> To you, criticism of Finale is seen as somehow inconsistent with 
> using and liking the program. That is an irrational point of view.
> []
>>But you can take your Stockholm syndrome and shove it.
> And you think you're somehow disputing my point with things like 
> that?
> Why the emotional investment in telling me to shut the hell up?
> Why tell me that in the first place?

I thought you might want to know that we don't all appreciate your 
Fenton-is-God attitude.

David H. Bailey

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