Liudas wrote (enjoying your comments very much!)
>And in general it has
>been argued that all music only exists to be played/listened to. The notes
>on the page are only a carrier, a time machine of sorts.

Or perhaps more simply, a blueprint from which the real music must be
constructed or reconstructed.

>In a recording, the carrier is precise: there are no other
>factors other than the waveform of the composition. This waveform can be
>transported losslessly to x numbers of players, radio stations, etc.

But there is danger in this.  And it's a danger that every improvizational
musician has to live with.  Once committed to a recording medium in a
single version, that version becomes definitive (which is exactly what you

But music, like dance and theater, is a recreative art.  It is their nature
to be constantly recreated, and therefore dancers and actors and musicians
must be trained to do so with skill and artistry.  Painting, sculpture,
architecture, and prose are creative arts; once finished they are finished.
Poetry stands somewhere in between, since in some cases it can also be
newly realized in performance.

Given a definitive recorded performance, the music has now become
non-recreative, just a finished product, and to me (given my prejudices as
a musican) that is a terrible shame.  As an arranger, part of my job is to
be able to envision a piece of music in different contexts.  But most
people hear a recording and assume that the arrangement is the song, and
even resent a different arrangement of it.

Didn't this List used to be about notation software?  Oh yeah, it was a
discussion about notation that started this thread.  Never mind!


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411   Fax (540) 231-5034

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