----- Original Message -----
From: "One of the McKays" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am intending to get a new computer next year. I have read horror stories
> of problems with Windows XP and Music programs. Does it work OK with
> David McKay
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~musicke

I think with a lot of these things it can be almost the luck of the draw.
Some folk hve a perfect install, and some have serious problems.  I did an
upgrade from Windows ME to XP, and had no end of problems.  I got an error
in Finale that I've never seen before in my life - something to do with
"font bits", that kept coming up any time I re-drew the screen or used the
handgrabber.  There are some problems with drivers for older devices also,
so you need to make sure that you have the latest drivers.  Some companies
may not intend to make newer drivers for their older devices, you should
check up if you have an older soundcard.  (Creative Labs are pretty bad for
this.  I have a perfectly functional DVD drive that was rendered useless in
XP, as they have stated that no newer drivers were planned for it).

This, in combination with some other problems I had with it (such as often
not even being able to log into the computer) resulted in me reverting to an
earlier drive image and thus, back to Windows ME, and I haven't looked back.

I have been told that a clean install of XP is generally more successful
than an upgrade over a previous OS.  I'm not sure whether this is the case
or not, as I work in a school with 2 new Dell systems which have only ever
had XP on them.  There seems to be some conflict between XP, the
soundblaster Live and Logic 5.1, as on both systems Logic cannot find the
soundfont card, and on one system it does not even accept midi input.  No
amount of uninstalling the card or the software has alleviated this, and I'm
about ready to kick the computer out the door.

That's probably one of the horror stories.  My colleague on the other hand
has had little or no problem with XP on his laptop.



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