On 17 Nov 2002 at 9:39, Colin Broom wrote:

> I have been told that a clean install of XP is generally more successful
> than an upgrade over a previous OS.

This is definitely true, and especially so for cross-kernel upgrades. 
You went from a Win9x-kernel version of Windows (WinME) to a WinNT-
kernel version of Windows, and that is generally going to be very bad 

Your story about the school computers is yet another *driver* support 
horror story. If the hardware makers do not make drivers for WinXP 
that work, that is hardly MS's fault, is it? Placing the blame in the 
proper place certainly doesn't solve the problem for you, but if you 
are complaining to MS about it, you'll get nowhere as it is always 
the responsibility of the hardward manufacturers to decide whether or 
not to create drivers for a new OS.

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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