Hello all,

I have decided to take, what I perceive to be, the next step in my
engraving/copying career, which is to form a portfolio of my work and
send it to various publishing houses.  I hope to land some freelance
work by doing this.

I am assuming that many of you have done this in the past.  What are the
best publishing houses to include in my mailing?  What should I include
in my portfolio (full works or single pages; finished and bound or loose
leaf sheets; hard copies only or source included)?  Do I need permission
from the composers in order to use their work in my portfolio?

I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions that are made.  And please,
if you can think of something that I should know, that I haven't asked
about, please let me in on that too.

Thank you all sincerely,

Tom Flood
Finale mailing list

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