Using two monitors and loving it. Mac Powerbook G4 with built-in widescreen LCD connected to a 21" Sony gives me 1280x854 and 1600x1200 side by side (they put nice video cards in these laptops these days).

While I really use the setup more in other programs (Logic, Reason, Photosop, etc.) its good in Finale to put all the palettes and stuff on one screen. Also good for reading the manual while working. Also I run Word in one Window and Finale in the other when making up notation excerpts.

But of course the real reason is to have a place to see all my instant chat windows while working! ;-)

Would find it hard to go back.



David Stonestreet - Coming to you from Sydney Australia.

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining planet known as Earth."
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