For those of you dedicated to using Mac OS X, I can see that having all your applications written for the OS is a big thing.

My weekend experience with Jaguar (OS 10.2.3) is extremely disappointing, however. I got OS X running on my G4 533 MHz machine and was impressed by some of the software written by Apple just for that system. Overall, I find the system is slower than 9.2.2 and with less functionality. (Functionality will improve over time, I'm sure.)

OS X is gimmicky and bloated and will require me to get a much faster computer to use it at the level I currently use. Finale with MIDI is still hopeless as is Digital Performer. Even my SCSI CD burner had to be disconnected.

The worst part of the experience was trying to switch back to my 9.2.2 system partition. It took me a day and a half just to get it running again. In the end I had to backup,reinitialize my hard drive and restore all of my software. I realize that your results will probably vary and that OS X is the future of Macs, but right now the speed hit, and size of the system itself make OS X a worse option than system 9.

I might be in the minority, but I would rather see bug fixes and feature improvements in Finale rather than an OS X version.

Will we be forced to switch to OS X to be able to use future versions of Finale? Or will there be 2 versions?

-Randolph Peters
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