Is there software available to convert from audio to midi? I hadn't heard of any that worked well enough to do more than simple music in a single voice. Do let us know what you have found!

Steven D Sandiford wrote:
A question for the collective wisdom of the Finale List

I wish to transcribe some music from off a DVD.  I have downloaded a
shareware programme that helps in this respect a great deal, as long as you
have an audio file to run it across.

Does anyone know of software (for Mac) that would allow me to create audio
files off the soundtrack of the DVD?

At the moment, I can only think of (a) playing the DVD (b) taking a line out
from my iMac to a MiniDisk recorder and recording the relevant chunks of
soundtrack (c) playing the recording back into my home Mac (which has an
audio in port) and creating an audio file (d) if necessary convert resulting
file into .mp3 or file type suitable for the transcription programme (e)
transcribing the music.

Of course, it might be quicker just to sit and transcribe by ear, but as the
iMac is at my workplace and I don't have anything there to aid my aural
transcription, I really wanted to have to avoid that!  (Conversely, I don't
have a DVD player at home, either!)

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Many thanks

Steve Sandiford

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David H. Bailey

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