At 03:36 pm -0800 03.04.2003, Brad Beyenhof wrote:

Options > Data Check > Swap One Font For Another.  Be careful with this
tool, as it can change fonts for any element of the document.  However, if
the lyrics are the only element in Times New Roman (or whatever Lyric font
you use) you'll have no problems.  You can also enter the type *size* in the
"change from" dialog box, so only the elements that are 10 point Times New
Roman (for example) will change to the specified "change to" font.

Well, yes that's the way it's supposed to work but in my experience it doesn't (FinMac 2003a). If I scale Times New Roman Bold Italic 20 pt (used on the score for tempi) to 70% for the parts I find that multimeasure rest numbers are scaled down from 24 pt to 17 (which I don't want) and tuplet numerals from 10 to 7 etc. This problem (bug?) occurs both with "Swap one font...." and "Scale fonts...".

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