Rodney Waterman wrote:

> [FinWin 2k3a]Vocal Score:
> How do I change fonts for text when, after Fit Music and Resize Page
> operations, the Lyrics become crowded and overlap?

Others have addressed the details of how to do this, but I would prefix one
point to this: you may want look into adding a couple of fonts.  Both Finale
and Windows,  (and  perhaps, MAC, too, but I have no direct knowledge of the
complement with the MAC OS) lack one thing that I occasionally find to be
required for lyric use:  "Condensed fonts".  Fonts are grouped in families,
based upon common shared  characteristics.  But within these shared
characteristics, there are also variations; two of these variations are
generally nearly universally available:  bold face and italic.  The components
of bold faced members of font families are constructed with a wider strokes
than normal; the opposite, a narrower stroke than normal, is called "light".
On the other hand, it is sometimes desireable to modify the width of the
character, as opposed to the width of the stroke used to create it.  These are
called "extended".  But for vocal music purposes, condensed fonts--the opposite
of the "extended" font--where the character is similar in all respects, except
the character is narrower, is quite useful, indeed, even sometimes essential.

There are a number of sites from which one can purchase fonts, but if you have
a professional level word processing or layout package, odds are the
distribution disk contains a number of fonts that might be useful.  Otherwise,
the current Font disk from Broderbund, "Click-Art Fonts 2" is a good source at
a reasonable price.

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