> From: "David H. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If 2004 falters in its Mac implementation, Coda may be in big trouble
> financially -- I would bet that the vast majority of Mac users did NOT
> upgrade to 2003 because it wasn't OSX compatible and if they don't
> upgrade this time either, it won't look pretty in the Coda accounting
> department.

Although I've been chided in another forum for "believing everything I
read", from what MakeMusic says, this is indeed the case.  Check out the
following press release:


In part:

" Revenues for the first quarter of fiscal 2003 were $1,658,000, a 15%
decrease compared with $1,942,000 for the first quarter of fiscal 2002. The
decrease in revenues compared to the prior year is primarily related to the
releasing of the FinaleŽ annual upgrade earlier in 2002 than in 2001. Finale
sales customarily are highest upon release of a new version and sales
decline throughout the year until the next release. Finale sales were also
negatively impacted because the most recent version of the Company's Finale
product is not yet compatible with the Macintosh OS X operating system and a
significant portion of Finale's user base uses Macintosh computers. The next
Finale release upgrade, scheduled for summer 2003, will run on a Macintosh
OS X platform. "

By the way, has Makemusic/Codamusic _ever_ made a profit?


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