On 24 Jun 2003 at 16:44, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> At 11:04 AM 06/24/03, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >Yes, absolutely. The note-attached pedal marks do not start until the
> >beginning of the beat, not with the rolled notes.
> This is very strange.  I wonder why yours and mine aren't the same.  On my
> tests, when you start a sustain simultaneously with a rolled chord, the
> playback figures that all the notes of the rolled chord should be included,
> even if they start playing before the beat.  I think we both agree that's
> how it should be, and it sounds like if yours worked like mine all your
> complaints would be addressed.
> I'm on FinMac2k2.  I'm just using the plain computer speaker playback, not
> exporting to a MIDI device, but I don't think that should make a
> difference.
> If you want to create a small file that works wrong on yours and send it to
> me, I can try it out on mine and see if I can find the difference.

If I do it in a new file, it works. The file where I was trying to do 
it did *not* work, so something else must be involved. I was probably 
not careful enough in the way I entered things (I am still not happy 
with the new method of measure expressions vs. note expressions). I 
cannot see what is different -- maybe I misplaced my pedal up symbols 
so that they were overlapping. But if I'd done that, then the upper 
notes would not have been sustained, so that makes no sense.

The key point here: the UI is not very well suited to doing any of 
this with any precision. Otherwise, I would have gotten what I wanted 
on the first try.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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