On 12 Jul 2003 at 15:15, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

> Darcy James Argue wrote, with respect to having optional CR-LF's::
> > I don't understand the desire for
> > *optional* line breaks, when it's so easy to change from one to the
> > other (duplicate one and turn it into the other).  Seems like a awful
> > amount of extra programming work for a cumbersome, non-intuitive,
> > non-user friendly feature.  ("I *hit* return, dammit, why doesn't the
> > line break show up on screen???")
> While I don't have access to the code, it seems to me that the optional line
> feed is merely an extension of the principle under which allowing individual
> positioning already exists.  You can allow it at one point, and not at
> another.  I think the CR-LF could perhaps make use of the same code, so the
> programming to make it optional would not be that much of an effort.  Even
> so, I could live with having CR-LF not being optional, as long as it could be
> entered.

I'm confused about this whole discussion.

So far as I can see, the only way to have a CR/LF in a Finale  
expression is to use the shape designer.

I also simply don't comprehend the utility of having the line feed be 
optional or not. How would that help in a particular file? You'd have 
all or nothing, since there is no override setting available for 
individual instances of expressions.

Now, if expressions were treated as class objects that could could be 
based on other expressions, that would be a different matter (this is 
the way it ought to be in the first place, in my opinion). But right 
now, you're asking for not 1 new thing but for 2 -- the ability to 
have a carriage return in an expression and the ability to have 
certain aspects of an expression ignored in some instances of the 
same expression within a particular file.

I simply don't see the point.

And your speculations about how difficult the programming might be 
are completely off-base -- you have no right to be speculating on 
such things as you haven't sufficient knowledge of the problem space 
to have an informed opinion.

I strongly doubt that what you are requesting would be possible at 
all without some alteration of the data structures used for storing 
expressions, and that's a pretty major thing.

Indeed, I don't find a single one of your feature requests to be of 
any utility whatsoever. It seems to me that you are mis-using 
expressions for purposes they were not intended.

One thing I *would* like to see in expressions is the ability to 
change fonts without having to resort to the shape designer. I'd 
especially like the ability to have non-printing characters (the 
things in brackets) show up in a specified font onscreen, instead of 
the music font.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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