Darcy James Argue wrote, with respect to having optional CR-LF's::

> I don't understand the desire for
> *optional* line breaks, when it's so easy to change from one to the
> other (duplicate one and turn it into the other).  Seems like a awful
> amount of extra programming work for a cumbersome, non-intuitive,
> non-user friendly feature.  ("I *hit* return, dammit, why doesn't the
> line break show up on screen???")

While I don't have access to the code, it seems to me that the optional line
feed is merely an extension of the principle under which allowing individual
positioning already exists.  You can allow it at one point, and not at
another.  I think the CR-LF could perhaps make use of the same code, so the
programming to make it optional would not be that much of an effort.  Even
so, I could live with having CR-LF not being optional, as long as it could be

As to MAC and WIN treating CR-LF differently, I was using the sequence as a
means of discussing what I want, and did not mean to imply that any specific
sequence of character codes necessarily needed to be used.


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