Except that with all previous versions (including the abortive put-the-damned-CD-in copy-protected Fin98) all that is needed to install the program is your serial number. No cracked version necessary if a valid serial number is available.

To publicly release all these serial numbers through un-vetted postal service employees is to publicly admit that MakeMusic realizes that piracy of Finale is a very unlikely thing. Again proving that copy protection will only inconvenience legitimate users.

If piracy of Finale is truly a major concern of MakeMusic, they wouldn't publicly release all of their serial numbers. Pirated copies don't have to be of the most recent version, remember.

All that is necessary now is for somebody who might have realized those were serial numbers to post them or sell them, along with copies of Finale2003, and all the copy protection in the world won't prevent that.

So, again, how will the new copy-protection help prevent piracy?

Brad Beyenhof wrote:

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 02:20 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

In today's mail, I found a nice glossy flier for Finale 2003. What appears on the address label, right above my name and address? Why, my Finale serial number, of course!

But your Finale serial number is in no way connected with the copy protection. It is merely an identification system used by MakeMusic to determine who is eligible for upgrades, etc.

Brad Beyenhof

Finale mailing list


-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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