> From: "Robert Patterson Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We system-reducers have led you page-reducers to water. Will you drink?

I'm just curious about one facet of all this...the example (which has been
mentioned previously) of different pages having different reductions. I am
sensing that this usually is in relation to a conductor's score. The orch's
I've done were pre-Finale, and the ones I've done since then have not been
complex in terms of # of instruments, so I haven't personally had this need.

For my own edification I'd appreciate a breakdown of such a need, such as
how what would happen between, say, page 2 and page 3 on such a score that
might call for changing the staff (system?) reductions, and if you mean that
the flute staff (example) might be smaller in size (except margins) than a
violin staff or something. This particular aspect is just foreign to me
since I've never faced it; I'd like to be conversant with the kind of
situation that produces it or that could benefit from using it.


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