On 18 Dec 2003 at 11:23, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> You know, this sounds just like Billyboy saying that 640KB memory is
> more than anyone will ever need.
> Why is it that noone hears me say "you have to try it to know what it
> is about".

I've never used it, and it's bloody obvious to me how useful it would 

Clearly, if you've never used your OS with more running apps than the 
Dock/TaskBar can easily accommodate, then you've never encountered 
the problems that come from having to work to find a way to 
distinguish between otherwise identical representations of your 
running processes.

But I've been encountering that kind of problem from the first time I 
used the TaskBar, back in 1995. Expose addresses the problems that 
Microsoft seems to have tacitly recognized, based on the way they've 
been tweaking their applications' title bars and document interface 
and the TaskBar itself. The things that MS has done to adjust have 
not helped me. Indeed, from my point of view, they've made the 
problems worse.

Just the description of Expose makes me wish I had it available to me 
on my current version of Windows.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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