At 09:36 AM 1/2/2004, Philip Aker wrote:
>Whoosh. You've missed my point entirely. I'm talking about musical
>parts--not what staves will "look" like at a later point in order to
>conform to notation conventions. I write "a2" as a result. That is to
>say a result of a particular orchestration/instrumentation of the parts
>of a score. Because I embrace those kinds of musical concepts, I enter
>music part-wise and voice-wise. For me, "look in the score" is an
>afterthought to making a musical statement.

Yes, that's all fine. You're thinking about the musical result, so you enter things that way, and then you go through somersaults later with hidden notes and auxiliary staves to produce the secondary output of a printed score and parts.

But not everyone thinks that way when they compose. For that matter, not everyone uses Finale as a composition tool. For many of us, a slight paradigm shift at the stage of entering the music (i.e., thinking a little more about how the score will look) allows us to save much labor down the road.


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