On Jan 29, 2004, at 2:33 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

You could almost certainly use Robert's Tie Mover to get exactly what you

Hmm, I'll have to look into that. Thanks.

It would address 90% of my complaint if Finale's Tie Options were expanded enough to include an option which says "if any tie in a chord uses Inner placement, use Inner placement for every other tie in that chord."

(2) Adjust [Augmentation] Dot for Multiple Voices; and

Can you give me an example where this is needed?

Sure. What the option does is force dots to appear below the line instead of above the line for any note on a line in which the stem is frozen down. Since using multiple layers freezes the lower layers stems down (assuming you check that Layer Option), this generally pushes the dots down any time there are two voices in a staff.

That means the program observes the rule which Ross says (p.169) "though not strictly adhered to, is traditionally accepted as correct." I'm one of the ones who doesn't adhere to it. In his example (b), I feel the last chord looks bad with the dots pushed down. The first two chords look OK, but even those I would prefer up.

That would suggest I prefer the setting unchecked, which for the most part I do. However, there are times when I do want the rule, such as when the two layers run consistently close or, especially, if there are seconds or unisons which cause the dots to overlap entirely, which is obviously unacceptable.

I can achieve the results I want by choosing one setting or the other, and then adjusting the exceptions either by moving the dot or freezing stems. It's not such a big deal, but it would be easier if I could apply the setting regionally.

(3) Dash Length and Dash Space for Smart Shapes,

Agreed, though I must admit I have never needed that either. Instead it
would help me if there were more specific settings for various smart shapes.

Yes, that's what I really want. I'd like one setting for 8va, another for dashed slurs, etc.

to think of it, I wouldn't mind a third value for a measure in which
the first item is an articulation, since in my work the only time
that's going to happen is if it's an arpeggio mark, and those bars
never space right for me either.

For such situations TGTools has tools to add space anywhere in a measure.

True, but I'd still like to have it built into the settings and not have to run TG on so many separate measures.


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