On 09.02.2004 16:58 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote

> It may be better, but not much better -- I just tried to scan a
> 24-staff, finale-printed score and smartscore won't accept it.  Reading
> the documentation for Finale, it states right from the start, don't scan
> anything with more than 16-staves in it.  So anybody who bought the
> program hoping to be able to scan in large scores and edit them and
> modernize them or whatever would definitely have been lied to by the
> marketing hype, supporting my original thesis that scanning into Finale
> represents a marketing lie as bad as any I have read on the Sibelius
> publicity.

Now come on! Yes, you are probably right that it doesn't handle more than 16
staves. But that is a limitation, not a quality mark for scanning.

I used it to prepare parts for a Haydn String Trio from a score. The amount
of extra work needed was far less than having to reenter everything. That
makes it useful for the first time, and I would say this qualifies to be
called "much better" - much better indeed!

No it probably won't do as well as advertised. We all know that. But it is
useful now (something which I don't think can be said about MicNotator).


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