On 26 Mar 2004 at 15:33, WinSupport wrote:

> I completely understand why this is an undesired result and why it may
> seem to behave like a bug.  However, the software is actually behaving
> as it should by design.  There is not currently a feature in the
> software that says it will completely ignore all hidden notes when
> spacing music is applied.  If you would like us to consider making any
> changes to the way the program handles hidden notes, I can write them
> up a feature request.

So far as I can tell, though, it *did* work properly in WinFin97, 
because files that I open that were last spaced in that version of 
Finale have proper spacing of blank notation.

If it's "by design," then it's a stupid design, as non-visible notes 
oughtn't affect spacing (though visible items attached to hidden 
notes should naturally affect spacing if the user so chooses).

Surely this was something that was messed up when you implemented 
staff styles, since WinFin97 didn't implement blank notation the same 

> You will notice that when you use the TG Tremolos plug-in and create
> playback notes, that the plug-in actually unchecks "Spacing" for each
> note in the Edit Frame box.  You have already discovered the Perhaps
> there is already a third-party plug-in that someone made that does
> this for hidden notes.  

I don't know that there's a plugin, so I've been doing it manually, 
as well as, where possible, not using blank notation at all. It 
means, though, that I have dozens of files that can't be respaced 
easily (I've been using the FRAME EDIT dialog to turn off spacing on 
the notes in the blank layer), without a lot of tedious work.

And depending on a plugin to fix something that's simply illogical 
and broken in the program is a copout.

> Another possible solution:
> If you are not using layer 4 for anything else except hidden notes,

That's the layer I'm using for the *visible* notes, with no playback, 
so it's not available to me.

The issue here is that I've been using an approach for preparing 
files for playback since 1997 or so, and in the last year, when I 
upgraded, I find that you've changed the program in a way that makes 
no sense to me and that makes it impossible for me to continue the 
system I'd been using for 7 years, and that also makes it impossible 
to easily revise my existing base of files created with those 

Why should invisible music affect spacing?

That is counterintuitive, even if the program is designed that way.

Furthermore, if it *is* designed that way, why doesn't it space the 
blank notation the same way it spaces visible notation?

> you turn off music spacing for layer 4 altogether.  Go to
> Options>>Document Options>>Layers, choose Layer 4, and uncheck
> "Affects Music Spacing". Since most people do not use layer 4 for
> actual visual notes, this option works for them.

I've now started using Layer 3 for playback and have it hidden and 
not affecting spacing. This works for all files where I don't need 
more than two playback layers, but not all my files work that way, 
and it works OK for files that I'm newly entering or just preparing 
for playback.

But you've broken something that worked before.

And if a workaround requires major revision of existing files then I 
think the problem should be fixed.

And this is *not* a feature request, no matter what you say, since 
it's something the program formerly did correctly that has been 
broken in later versions of the program.

It could be resolved by having a setting in the definition of blank 
notation that would ignore spacing for the hidden notes, just as you 
can currently set whether or not to display items attached to the 
hidden notes.

And, even it is by design, it makes no sense, as it doesn't space 
correctly for the non-visible layer.

In any event, this is not at all the kind of answer I was expecting, 
and is yet another reason why I'm not likely to upgrade my copy of 
Finale any time soon (the main reason being the copy protection 
without a key escrow).

I've been using Finale since 1991 (2.01 on Win3.1), and you'll yet 
manage to drive me to Sibelius by refusing to fix obviously broken 
aspects of the program.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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